Lingoona Grammar module

Final parsed result text using Grammar v1.7.6 (13-Jan-2025 13:10:15 (UTC)):
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Value 1:
Value 2:
Value 3:
Value 4:
Value 5:

Grammar syntax definition:
<<(case,)grammar:value id>> / <<(case,)grammar:'gender of' value id(, value id)>>

Grammar options:
a = indefinite article (a/an)
A = definite article (the)

c = first character lower case
C = first character upper case

f = format numbers according language
F = format numbers according language and force use of thousands separator

g = genitive linkage of two entries using indefinite article
G = genitive linkage using definite article (needs 2 values e.g. <<g:1,2>>)

i = ordinal numbers (each number will receive the language correct suffix like 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ...
I = ordinal numbers according the gender of the second parameter (mostly used in German e.G: "2ter"/"2te")

l = location as "you are here" (given id must refer to a location) using the position defined in the gender
L = location as "go to" (given id must refer to a location) using the position defined in the gender

n = name numbers (0-12 will be written as text like 'one', 'two', ... with i set: 'first', 'second', ...)
N = name numbers as 'n' with first character upper case

m = multiple (plural) of the given word ('mouse' becomes 'mice', other languages than English require the 'singular|plural' definition below)

q = use single quote if proper name (standalone <<q0>> = language specific single quote start, <<q1>>= language specific single quote end)
Q = use double quotes if proper name (standalone <<Q0>> = language specific double quote start, <<Q1>>= language specific double quote end)

R = format number as Roman writing ('2012' becomes 'MMXII')

t = format text in title style using uppercase first letters according a language's title rules
T = format text in title style using all words uppercase first letters, no matter what

x = placeholder value itself will not be shown, only possibly added words like articles
X = when possible no grammar rules are applied and the value will be printed on the screen unchanged

z = all characters inluding articles lowercase
Z = all characters inluding articles uppercase

Grammar options - pronouns:
d = demonstrative pronoun ('this value') [mostly used in foreign languages]
D = Demonstrative pronoun ('this' without value) [mostly used in foreign languages]

o# = possessive pronoun (#1=my, #2=your, #3=his/her/its, ... / default is 3 [Attention: 'gender of' value id needed for #3, eg <<o:1>> or <<o:1,2>>)]
O# = pOssessive pronoun used substitutional (#1=mine, #2=yours,... /default is 3 [Attention: 'gender of' value id needed for #3 and case is needed)]

p# = personal pronoun (#1=I, #2=you, #3=he/she/it, ... / default is 3 [Attention: 'gender of' value id needed for #3, eg <<p:1>>)]
P# = Dative Personal pronoun (#1=me, #2=you, #3=him/her/it, ... / default is 3 [Attention: 'gender of' value id needed for #3, eg <<P:1>>)]

r# = reflexive pronoun (#1=myself, #2=yourself, #3=himself/herself/itself, ... / default is 3 [Attention: 'gender of' value id needed for #3, eg <<r:1>>)]

Grammar case definitions:
The grammar cases are added in front of the regular grammar definition seperated by a comma
nom = nominative (1st case, default, in RU also 'ime' & 'име')
gen = genitive (2nd case, in RU also 'rod' & 'род')
dat = dative (3rd case, default for Grammar option 'r', in RU also 'дат')
acc = accusative (4th case, in DE also 'akk', in RU also 'vin' & 'вин')
ins = instrumental (5th Russian case, in RU also 'tvo' & 'тво')
pre = prepositive (6th Russian case, in RU also 'пре')
  e.g. "<<gen,A:2>>"; "<<akk,a:1>>", ...

Gender definitions:
^ separates name and gender definition
m = male
f   = female
n  = neutral
p  = plural (can be combined with 'm' or 'f')
l  = (Russian only, combined with 'm' or 'f') living
  e.g. sword^n, orc^m, dwarf^f, coins^p
- Using uppercase = don't use articles (as for proper names)
  e.g. "Anwar's Sword^N", "Anwar^M", "Bella^F", "Bella's coins^P", ...
- Gender definitions for locations can be extended by any position seperated by a comma:
  e.g. "Ekrund^N,in" or "Mountain^n,on" or "Gate^n,at", ...
- (Russian only) livings
  e.g. "воительница^fl", "глаз^mfl", "дедушки^pml", ...

Additional Gender definitions:
c = (German only) last adjective in front of nomen is uppercase (<<A:mächtiger dunkler Lord^fc>> = der mächtige Dunkle Lord)
C = (German only) all adjectives in front of nomen are uppercase (<<A:mächtiger dunkler Lord^fC>> = der Mächtige Dunkle Lord)

d = always use definite article in lowercase (I see <<a:Red Sun^nd>> = I see the Red Sun)
D = always use definite article in uppercase (I see <<a:Red Sun^nD>> = I see The Red Sun)

g = (German only) define owner with one words (<<Xenas dunkler Lord^Mcg>> with Xenas [owner], Dunkler Lord [name])
G = (German only) define owner with two words (<<dunkler Lords Xena^McG>> with Dunkler Lords [owner], Xena [name])

r = (German only) some special words ending with "-er" are not declined by the "-e" rule ("Gläubiger^m", "Gläubiger^mr")

s = Used for uncountable words (like water, meat, milk, ...). When indefinite article is needed the word "some" will be used: "water^ns" becomes "some water"

Singular/plural variable definition:
With the <<m:...>> Grammar option you can request the plural of a word. In English the Grammar will automatically create the plural from a singular noun. In all other languages it is required to define the singular and plural together by using '||' as a seperator. Using the seperator '||' will overwrite any automatic singular -> plural conversion.

  e.g. "lonely mouse||many mice"
  You can also use gender tags: "Maus^f||Mäuse^p"

Singular/plural text differentiation:
For different texts depending on a value. To add the value use $d ($s can be used in seldom terms of giving a gender like ^m/^f or ^p instead of a number).
Syntax:   <<value id[singular text/plural text]>>
<<value id[zero text/singular text/plural text]>>
($d can be used as reference for the placeholder's text)

Example: You have selected <<n:1[nothing/an item/$d items]>>. Do you want to buy <<1[anything/it/them]>>?
- value = 0: You have selected nothing. Do you want to buy anything?
- value = 1: You have selected an item. Do you want to buy it?
- value = 10: You have selected ten items. Do you want to buy them?
- value = 20: You have selected 20 items. Do you want to buy them?

Male/female text differentiation:
For different texts depending on a gender.
Syntax:   <<value id{male text/female text}>>
<<value id{male text/female text/neutral text}>>
<<value id{male text/female text/neutral text/plural text}>>
($s can be used as reference for the placeholder's text)

Example: Greetings |n, <<|n{son/daugther}>> of Valaya!
- player name = Anwar^M: Greetings Anwar, son of Valaya!
- player name = Xena^F: Greetings Xena, daugther of Valaya!